How best can the Post 2015 Development agenda be localized?
What capacities necessary at the various levels to localize and implement the agenda?
What are the key challenges to implement the localization of Post 2015 development agenda?
Following the assessment and review of the progress of MDG implementation (See MDG Implementation Progress report of 2008 and 2010), and considering the terminal year 2015, it was concluded that most MDGs may not be achieved come 2015, and therefore a need for Post MDGs Global Development Agenda. Subsequently, in October 2012 the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) and Department of Economics (DoE) were commissioned to coordinate and oversee the Stakeholders' Post MDG Development Agenda Consultation process. The main objective of the consultations were to stimulate discussion among respective national stakeholders so as to gather inputs and views that will delineate the country's position to be included in the post 2015 global development agenda. The process targeted mainly the Government (both the Central Government and local Government Authority (LGAs)); Civil Service Organizations (CSOs); youth, women, children, the elders, private sector, research and academic institutions.
Tanzania is among the 189 nations which ratified and agreed to implement and therefore achieve MDGs by 2015; despite the fact that while it has done well in MDG it has not done well in some MDGS. Despite her serious commitment to implementing the MDGs, Tanzania's progress has varied across the goals and localities. The Tanzania MDGs Progress Report 2010 shows that the country is likely to achieve only two MDGs - MDG 2, universal primary education and MDG 6 ? halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV&AIDS, malaria and other major diseases. If the pace of development is expedited, it can most likely achieve on gender equity and women empowerment (MDG3); reducing child mortality (MDG4) and developing global partnerships for development (MDG8). Two important MDGs will not be met, namely: eradication of extreme poverty and hunger (MDG1) and improvement of maternal mortality (MDG5).
Likewise, Zanzibar is also on track to achieving some of the MDGs, such as, the proportion of Under-5 Underweight (from 101 children in 2004/05 to 73 children in 2010; Percentage of net enrolment ratio in primary education (from 39.9% in 1990) to 19.9% in 2010 (which is the 2015 target); Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births), (from 70.7% in 2004/05 to 81.4% in 2010); and the Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) - from 61% in 2005 to 54% in 2010; and the proportion of the population using an improved drinking water source (79.5%).
Areas where Zanzibar is unlikely to reach the MDG targets in Zanzibar are for example in regard to: Proportion of population living below 1 dollar a day (based on national income poverty line) from 49% (2005) to 44.4% (2010); Under-5 Stunted children from 47.9 (1990) to 30.2 (2010); Extreme poverty and hunger; Maternal Mortality Ratio (per 100,000 live births); Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel; marginal decline in food poverty from 13.2% in 2004/5 to 13% in 2010.
Thus Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar have not done well in terms of basic needs poverty reduction, food poverty as well as hunger, among others. Poverty reduction has been insignificant compared to economic growth.
Limited involvement and capacity building of the players and champions at lower levels (District Council, ward, Shehia and Village levels) have been among the major factors for unsatisfactory impact of MDGs in Tanzania. On the basis of these weaknesses, Tanzania (including Zanzibar) through the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) is leading a consultation process around the Post 2015 development agenda focusing mainly on how the Post MDG Development Agenda will be:
Disseminated to the local levels (District Councils, Ward, Shehia and villages)
Monitored, and
Reported by various governance levels in the country namely, zonal, regional, district, city, local levels etc
These consultations will therefore seek to answer the broad questions above which are critical to ensure that
The next development agenda is integrated in the various planning and budgeting documents of all levels of the country;
Capacities necessary at the various levels to implement the agenda are available;
Challenges to implement the localization of Post 2015 development agenda are addressed etc
The purpose of this background is therefore to invite participants and/or TAKNET members to contribute their views and ideas which can be used to respond to the above questions.
(Moderated by Dr. Tausi Kida; Dr O. Mashindano and Mr Richard Ngilangwa)
The contributions are excellent BUT importantly, we need to inform our people. Most of these issues raised are for some groups or individuals. We can't achieve our development goals if the whole process is not inclusive. When we talk about MKUKUTA or MKURABITA; how many Tanzanians know these.
I once discussed the two with three MPs in 2008; surprisingly, they had minimum knowledge on the same. What about ordinary Tanzanians?
Let us take the Chinese approach: they are moving from ujamaa to capitalism BUT they're preparing their people so as to move together. This is why, you see them in our streets as machingas.
Peter Lwegasira : Friday, July 18, 2014
Dear all,
When you go to places like Manzese, Tandika and to all such other places of our cities and towns, what do you see. What challenges do you see for a common mwananchi. Lack of clean and piped water, unplanned settlements, lack of electric power for lighting homes, lack of tarmac roads, lack of schools, you name it. Do you need to fly to America to design policies, business processes, professionally designed templates, that will help you to deal with such challenges. No please. Our biggest problem has been and I believe it will continue to be lack of political will. Leadership failure is our biggest problem.
Patrick Simon Ngowi : Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Good discussion!
Having realized substantial infrastructure developments in education, health, roads, etc in recent years, our next thrust should hugely focus on 'genuine' education reform in terms of having an education system that corresponds with the current local and global challenges. We cannot expect sustained development in a system where no single leader or middle class family is ready to send his child to Mlalahoi Primary School or Kata Secondary School. The system is not delivering the required intellectual resources - thus making us lose confidence in our own systems. We should equip our hospitals with well trained personnel to guarantee safely to Mr. Waziri in case he/she needs and operation.
To achieve this, an overhaul of the school curriculum is unavoidable. We need to set clear, shared education objectives and resource the system to deliver them. As an seasoned educationist and researcher, I am of the opinion that the current education curriculum across the board is incapable of delivering our ambitious education objectives amidst gigantic developmental demands.
Patrick S. Ngowi
4. How can local government identify and respond to the needs of marginalised and vulnerable
Local government has a vital role to play in the leave-no-one-behind agenda, ensuring that the basic
services are accessible for all marginalised and disadvantaged groups, including women, the poor,
youth and minority groups. Having the data available to target and monitor progress for these groups is essential. Civil society is a key partner in both identifying poor and disadvantaged communities and in ensuring equitable service delivery to them. It is important to strengthen existing and new mechanisms for localisation of national targets across local communities such as local development planning processes, integrated planning processes, and consultative mechanisms such as ward committees and parish development committees. There is an acute need to identify local indicators and develop the necessary data collection processes to enable local governments to measure local progress towards agreed targets, and ensure disaggregated targeting and monitoring of the most vulnerable to ensure universal and equitable basic service provision to all.
5. What are the potential challenges of localisation that governments and local governments can
start to address now?
Some essential capacity development and institutional strengthening can be addressed in advance of 2015 in order for local government to prepare to be a partner in implementing the SDGs Ensuring there is sufficient political will at central government level for decentralisation and related constitutional protections/enabling legislation. There is a need to build local leadership and technical capacity to fully engage in the post-2015 development agenda Localisation of the SDGs will require adequate funding . Weak governance and poor local accountability should be tackled High levels of corruption in some governance systems – including local government should be addressed Access to local data and means to measure success should be improved Possible strategies for improvement should include: Regional/continental and Commonwealth/global mobilisation of local government ministers to ensure that the benefits of decentralisation and of localising the SDGs are clearly articulated, and commitments to implementing decentralisation are followed through. Greater capacity development for local leaders and local staff engaged in localising the SDGs. Securing dedicated funding for enabling localisation of the SDGs either through refocusing existing and proposed government resources and overseas development assistance, or through a dedicated global fund to support the localisation of the SDGs. Strengthening local accountability mechanisms through greater levels of partnership working, training and capacity development, and the enhancement civil society through support of local NGOs and community organisations. Improve the anti-corruption measures in place across the public sector to ensure a more equitable approach to delivery in the context of localisation of the SDGs. Ensure that local level data can be included and disaggregated throughout national and UN statistical systems
Annex one: Proposed goals and targets on sustainable development for the
post2015 development agenda – Zero draft
1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
2. End hunger, achieve food security and adequate nutrition for all, and promote sustainable agriculture
3. Attain healthy life for all at all ages
4. Provide equitable and inclusive quality education and life-long learning opportunities for all
5. Attain gender equality, empower women and girls everywhere
6. Secure water and sanitation for all for a sustainable world
7. Ensure access to affordable, sustainable, and reliable modern energy services for all
8. Promote strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent work for all
9. Promote sustainable industrialization 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
11. Build inclusive, safe and sustainable cities and human settlements
12. Promote sustainable consumption and production patterns
13. Promote actions at all levels to address climate change
14. Attain conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas
15. Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and halt all biodiversity loss
16. Achieve peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law, effective and capable institutions
17. Strengthen and enhance the means of implementation and global partnership for
sustainable development
This is to bring to Taknet our appreciation and thanks to make it possible to participate in the ongoing discussion regarding the post-2015 Development Agenda and in paticular the localisation of the Agenda. The Association of Local Authouritties of Tanzania throught the guidance of CLGF and UCLG the global local government movement would like to bring messages on the subject from the local government perspective. It is our hope that the messages will generate discussion not only how to shape the discussions but also how the effectively meet the post 2015 Development Agenda.
Message from Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania and Local Government Movement on the ongoing Developmental Local Government: localising the post-2015 development agenda
These messages are part of CLGF and UCLG Feed back to National Consultations. It is intended to provide light and guidance on the ongoing consultations in Tanzania and elsewhere in the World. The Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania is sharing these messages as part of its contribution to the ongoing consultations and also as part of engaging various stakeholders on how effective we can localise post 2015 Development Agenda and influence the direction of the Agenda.
The messages are organised around five key questions and responses The key points have been summarised below and we would encourage all our members to feed similar messages into your national consultations or via the e-discussion. Following the consultation the findings will be fed into different events and validated with relevant stakeholders, and finally presented to key decision-makers and leaders to inform the post-2015 development framework.
1. What kind of structures/relationships should be in place in countries in order to facilitate
effective performance of local government in the implementation of the SDG?
At the start of the consultation, the CLGF Board re-emphasised their belief in the principles of subsidiarity, that activities should be undertaken at the lowest possible sphere of government, as well as their commitment to developmental local government, both of which should inform the framing and implementation of the SDGs. This can be achieved through the clear acknowledgment and definition of the following roles: The key role local government has to play in setting, implementing and monitoring the SDGs. The necessary enabling legal and policy framework needs to be in place. Strong intergovernmental relations between local, central, state/provincial government (horizontal and vertical) and clarity of roles and functions, including with key sectoral ministries such as water, education and health, are essential to successful localisation of the SDGs. Local government associations have a vital role to play in providing a voice for local government in these intergovernmental relations, as well as crucial capacity building activities of good practice sharing and training. This role should be supported and strengthened to support localisation of the SDGs.
2. What kind of local partnerships should be developed to respond to the post 2015 agenda?
Genuine partnerships informed by comparative advantage will be essential for implementing the SDGs. Local partnerships should support localisation in a holistic way and should relate not just to local government, but to all local actors in a community, including civil society, traditional leaders, religious organisations, the private sector etc. Local government often has a local convening/leadership role in developing and managing such local partnerships. These planning and delivery partnerships will be reinforced by partnership working with sectoral ministries and other governmental agencies in delivering the SDGs.
3. What resource mobilisation and finances are needed to enable local government to
respond effectively?
Adequate and equitable financial resources needs to follow the functions devolved to local
government to enable universal achievement of the SDGs that ‘leaves no one behind’. The role of local governments in achieving the SDGs should be fully costed and a clear formula for sufficient financial resources developed in partnership with central and provincial/state government. Local governments should be empowered to raise revenue locally towards achieving the SDGs, both through enhanced local tax collection, as well as new through new revenue sources including new local taxes, and being able, where appropriate, to raise bonds and enter into PPPs etc. Allocations of national budgets to local government should be increased to support the localisation of the SDGs, particularly in deprived and post-conflict areas. Localisation of taxes and overseas development assistance (ODA) should follow the localisation of the SDGs, and complement adequate central to local government transfers. Local governments’ central role in local economic development is also a key factor in ensuring a sustainable local tax base.
Continues on next posting!
luwaga kizoka : Thursday, July 3, 2014
Interesting to hear from Ngowi's support of Kassala's comments about uwongo, ulafi and all! I agree, but to a certain level. I think what we, nationally, need to focus and put emphasis on is building strong public (and private) institutions that can stand tall and walk the talk! Dishonesty and greediness and all the other malpractice behaviour will be checked by strong, robust and vibrant institutions. My two secents! Kizoka.
ANTHONY GIKURI : Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Dear participants as for me, one variable require critical attention irrespective of any economic approach we choose to pursue. This is rapid population increase. You cant imagine the so called "maskini" families always get as many mouthes added to spontaneously.
It doesn't bring sense to me if we can satisfy the already bursting population no matter how responsive we are. I am afraid we're trying to add oil to a leaking tank. Consequently, we will tire and desert the moving train at the hill. You can imagine what happens to a derailing car. What do you do when you have less than all you need? Simply redistribute and continue to do so until it becomes indivisible. Look at small and growing countries like Mauritius and Rwanda.
We have a lot to learn from them. The latest population and housing census in our country tells us that are turning 50 million soon. Most us are probably happy with these figures. Even Chinese no longer embrace the idea. The consequences are obvious; housing problems, nutrition, education, health care just a few to mention. We can't expect miracles to turn things around. Its high time now for our govt to come up with establish working population control policies.
Carol I. Nyangaro : Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Good discussion.
In my opinion, bottom up approach works well in a well guided society (with proper rules and regulations). That is where stuff like corruption, bureucracy, state interference etc must not be the order of the day.
I am not so much in favor of the Chinese model (moreless state controlled economy) in todays world I don't see this happening with effectiveness.
Our major problem is accountability..,the question is how do we institute this?
Sent from my Windows Phone
Carol I. Nyangaro : Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Agree with Rugeiyamu
Sent from my Windows Phone
Patrick Simon Ngowi : Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Dear All
Kassala's points are hugely fundamental and worth reading. But are all these really been read by those who we mean most????
Patrick S. Ngowi
AUDAX RUKONGE : Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Dear Stephen and ALL
I think you have put it all.
One of the big mistakes we normally make as development practitioners, we come up with prescriptive ideas, which in most cases are ONE SIZE FITS ALL! These are same ideas that the WB & IMF were using some few decades ago! They proved to be futile! Ideas on bottom-up cannot be exclusive on setting national agenda and broader focus. The main question here is where does the bottom meets the head (top)? How can we blend the bottom and top so as to come up with the best option?
For example, does the importance of education proportionately reduce the importance of agriculture or rural roads or energy? The answer is not, but we need to do matriculation before we can clearly see how to superimpose on option over the other
This is critical for Tanzanian economy today and for some years to come
AUDAX RUKONGE : Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Dear Stephen and ALL
I think you have put it all.
One of the big mistakes we normally make as development practitioners, we come up with prescriptive ideas, which in most cases are ONE SIZE FITS ALL! These are same ideas that the WB & IMF were using some few decades ago! They proved to be futile! Ideas on bottom-up cannot be exclusive on setting national agenda and broader focus. The main question here is where does the bottom meets the head (top)? How can we blend the bottom and top so as to come up with the best option?
For example, does the importance of education proportionately reduce the importance of agriculture or rural roads or energy? The answer is not, but we need to do matriculation before we can clearly see how to superimpose on option over the other
This is critical for Tanzanian economy today and for some years to come
Camillus D. N. Kassala : Wednesday, July 2, 2014
What are we sharing about: economic development or integral human development? This question begs another question: What really is the problem? Are we thinking about the same problem? It is said that identifying the real problem is the sure beginning of solving it. In the Tanzania of Africa, not that in Diaspora, where have we gone wrong? If not going wrong, what is missing in our imagination or conceptualization? Certainly not! If we are to develop this country together, we need to agree on the issue(s) we have to work on!
I suggest that whatever global goals, whether MDGs or SDGs, are going to be worked on, in Tanzania we need to work first on the following three new enemies (the old ones were ignorance, illiteracy and disease!): 1) Uwongo, 2) Uzembe, 3) Ulafi (dishonesty, sloppiness, greed). We do not want to say what we mean; we do not want to mean what we say. We do not care at all about the poor, the marginalized, the needy, etc. We are so greedy that the more we get the more we demand! If only we began to live simply, many others will simply begin to live a better life!
elphone : Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Interestingly our comrade leaders, fly from one foreign national to the next for the sake of seeking foreign aids of which is clearly understood that ever and never will help heal our poorly coordinated transformations of dreamed strong economy for future national soveronities
elphone : Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Interestingly our comrade leaders, fly from one foreign national to the next for the sake of seeking foreign aids of which is clearly understood that ever and never will help heal our poorly coordinated transformations of dreamed strong economy for future national soveronities
stephen Mbundi : Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Just a questions of curiousity: where in the World did the bottom-up approach ever worked to spur economic development? Is this not the western thinking or jargon to ensure that we remain where we are? Fine we are advocating for the bottom-up can we make an indepth analysis of the quality of our people whether they have that capacity of initiating planning? Why dont we think of adopting and customizing Chinese model.
On my analysis let us fight corruption first the rest will come because right now most of our planning is more focused on individual interests on per diem through capacity building and M&E. Two let us have consistence on our business focusing on very few priorities, right now we have vision 2025, 5yrs plan developed by Planning Commission and now BRN I dont know which preceede the other and whether there is linkage on goals and budget
Rugeiyamu Kahwa : Tuesday, July 1, 2014
I have for a long time held the view that externally cooked, donor/aid driven programmes such as the MDGs are not a panacea to our developmental challenges, not least because they have short term span.
Hence I agree with Maduka Kessy that we need home grown initiatives with a bottom up approach. We seem to have a mindset problem which blocks us from thinking outside the box. For example, why do we persist expecting the bulk of our development budget to come from so called development partners instead of striving to use our own internal resources. We need to change and urgently.
AUDAX RUKONGE : Friday, June 27, 2014
Dear ALL
I would like to commend the good discussion, around MDG2015. We can say many words, about the originality of MDGs but by the end of it, we should ask ourselves if the 8 goals are a real concern or not. The question would be....are these not noble goals...if we aim at reducing poverty from 38% to 18% then set a new target? If we aim at reducing the URMR for children and pregnancy related deaths as well as illiteracy rates and inclusion of women and girls in education systems? Definitely these goals are important. You do not have to throw the baby with washing water!
The main problem here has been poor implementation of MDG framework, and that is one of the reasons countries that were said to be on the same level in 1990 are no longer categorised to be the same! Africa, particularly SSA we are doing badly, except for some few goals! We should ask ourselves, what has gone wrong? If you ask me, the trigger of this is visionary leadership and good governance! This is what we are lacking, not plans, not new goals, not new frameworks!
Why I am saying this?
From MKURABITA, to MKUKUTA to Mini-tiger to FYDP, one would easily see the policy and strategic commitments, at least in these documents! If one would assess the resources injected towards realizing the objectives within MKURABITA, MKUKUTA and others....enormous resource -financially and timewise! But where are were? We still have a number of LGAs (almost 50%) with chronic need of food, despite being food self sufficient as a country, poor people living below the poverty level (cut-off was expected to be 18% by 2015??) we still have about 30%! Yes, we (Tanzania) have made greater progress, but not to the expected level, based on resources injected.
Visionary leadership: Plans, strategies and programmes keep on oscillating from one end to another. We have not been giving enough time to try out new ideas (start small, build lessons and experience and expand). In some cases investments in some areas are rather politically motivated as opposed to economic motivation. In many cases when the programmes are launched, the leadership loses track right from the start, only to come during the review time! ...May be the BRN would solve this challenge of hands off and eyes off! This is why, countries like Rwanda- despite being one of a war tone countries, they are making good progress. With a good record of sustained GDP growth averaging 7%, Tanzania should be boasting on the take-off speed before commanding the autopilot button! (Enh!!!)
Good governance: Rule of law, transparency and accountability are among the key drivers to realization of development goals. Although they are not quantifiable factors, but the development equation would not be complete unless these parameters are included. Take an example of MDG1 which is very much linked to Maputo commitment on Agriculture as reflected in the CAADP. The national agricultural budget (nominal) has grown over years, in terms of percent (although not to 10%). The Sector annual growth has remained the same except for 2003/4 & 2004/5! Among many reasons, this is the only time where the recurrent budget was almost 50% of the total agric sector budget (that is development budget was also about 50%). The last 8 years, the average sector growth is around 4% (compared to Maputo/CAADP and MKUKUTA target which is 6%), and in some years it is as low as 3.2%! Where did we miss the link? Several areas. You plan, you do not raise enough resources, or
you do not deliver budget in time, you do not lay down the foundation for people to optimise such resources and get the best results out of them At times (read the CAG reports), funds diverted, or mismanaged and the likes...without taking strict measures to the culprits.
So, just to conclude my points.
MDGs can be called anything, but they remain critically important if we have to eradicate poverty, hunger, malnutrition, illiteracy, gender gaps, U5MR and sustainably manage the environment. Localizing them calls for contextualization, internalization and deep diving into the local context
There are various factors that we should be ready to address, among them visionary leadership and governance issues
Mr. Maduka Kessy : Thursday, June 26, 2014
Thank you all dear net members for sharing touching subject matter. My intervention is going to be relatively brief and to the point that, a false start will always lead to unintended outcomes.
MDGs were formulated by UNDG. What was the level of local content in setting out the development objectives, defining the deliverable, design of the development programme and implementation strategies? Presumably very little, if any, and that is why the people have to be convinced to assume " local ownership" of the development agenda formulated elsewhere.
The field of development economics is dominated by those who only read about pre-industrial development as an academic subject. In Europe and America, it all happened more than 150 years ago and there is no way we can emulate the development model of Europe and the Americas ("New Europe") built on colonialism. Asia has formulated its own development agenda and strategies. We all can see where they are moving to. Africa is quick to discard its own initiatives and readily resigns to outsource thinking, so long as there is "aid package".
In September 2011, the regions of Katavi, Kigoma and Rukwa organized a joint investment forum. One of the drivers and outcomes of the said investment forum was the initiation to formulate a "Lake Tanganyika Spatial Development Initiative", with intent to formulate a bottom up development strategy which is local initiative. The Spatial Development Initiative ("SDI") would be designed and formulated to cover a delineated geographic region whereby investments in economic services infrastructure, social services delivery, local economic production ventures will all be synchronized with regard to timing and will be supported by a compendium of facilitative legislation and administration measures. An investment forum of the Lake Victoria regions was organized a few months ago. A similar forum is being prepared for the Southern Regions SDI ( Lindi, Mtwara, Ruvuma and Njombe). Considering administrative regions as stand alone economic units is to subject development and commerce to the limitations and constraints of public governance! They are not one and the same thing.
The Development Corridor/ SDI model is home grown and initially tested with success of the Maputo Development Corridor. Why move ahead with that? Administrative regions and districts do not necessarily reflect any economic synergy, and very often do not. For that matter, neither do the sovereign territorial borders inherited from the colonial era. That is why the northern provinces of Mozambique ( Cabo Delgado and Niassa) are more economically contagious and linked with Mtwara and Lindi regions in Tanzania rather than Maputo. Lindi-Mtwara-Palma-Pemba SDI driven by natural gas discoveries onshore and offshore makes compelling economic case.
I submit that is the way we should be thinking rather than waste precious time and energy on programs designed to make poverty merely tolerable ("poverty reduction") through achievement of MDGs. Our is the noble task to fight and eradicate poverty for good. It has got to start from the people in the form of local initiatives that a encompass delineated geographic areas which can provide the rationale and justification to support the business case to motivate concurrent or optimally sequenced public and private investments.
My advice is "Go to the regions and support SDIs as well as wider encompassing Development Corridors". I think I should stop here and it is just as well.
Oswald Mashindano : Wednesday, June 25, 2014
“Let us look inward and stop embracing imported development models as if we are in America! To start with, let our government guarantee a market for whatever small scale farmers and peasants produce. They need adequate income to cover their living expenses and to enable them to produce in the coming season. This is how we start building a market economy.” (Safari Isaac, 23 June 2014)
“Next, after realizing a successful change government should build irrigation infrastructure, transportation network, a reliable social infrastructure specifically school system and health system and end up with agro- based industries.” (Safari Isaac, 23 June 2014)
“The last one can develop with support from the private sector.” (Safari Isaac, 23 June 2014)
I like what Isaac has posted on the 23rd of June 2014. These are important issues for the st MDG Development Agenda which we need to take further. I have picked a few narratives from his posting. These are very useful ideas indeed. My problem here is how to address the following questions related to Isaac’s contribution.
1. The importance of guaranteed markets for our small scale producers in Tanzania cannot be over-emphasized. It is actually both the necessary and sufficient conditions for agricultural transformation in Tanzania. In addition, this is known to all the 4 Government Phases in Tanzania. In other words, our leadership and all decision or policy makers in our country have been aware of this critical support service in agriculture all through (since independence)! My question therefore is – WHY ARE WE NOT DOING IT?
2. The argument on the need for infrastructure which Isaac has alluded to above is in order in my view. This is part of the very necessary type of infrastructure we badly need in Tanzania if the MDGs are to make useful impact to the livelihoods of the people. My question therefore is – WHERE DO WE GET ALL THE NECESSARY RESOURCES REQUIRED TO FINANCE THESE PROJECTS? IF THE SOURCES ARE KNOWN HOW DO WE MOBILIZE THEM? IF WE CAN ADDRESS THE CHALLENGE OF RESOURCE MOBILIZATION - HOW CAN TANZANIA ENSURE APPROPRIATE (OPTIMAL OR RATIONAL) ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES?
3. It appears Isaac has partly responded to some of my last set of questions i.e. we can achieve this through private Sector. My question therefore is – DO WE HAVE STRONG PRIVATE SECTOR IN TANZANIA? IF NOT – HOW DO WE MAKE IT STRONG AND THEREFORE RESPONSIVE/RESPONSIBLE?
Camillus D. N. Kassala : Monday, June 23, 2014
Dear Colleagues,
Your discussion so far has ignored a number of things that need to be considered! Let me raise them by asking the following questions:
1. How does Vision 2025 come into the post-MDG agenda?
2. What have we learned from previous development programmes and plans?
3. Can technical education work without political education?
4. Can Western concept of development continue to work in Africa?
5. What is the role of indigenous African management in development?
6. Has African culture become 'value-free' enough to work together with Western economics?
7. Do we have the required level of 'critical mass' to be able to succeed this time?
Ishengoma Ishabakaki : Monday, June 23, 2014
Hi everybody!
Its my honor to participate in this dialogue. Before that i would like to appreciate Professor Marja for a wonderful participation. I urge the our government to follow these arguements pondered by these famous people like the Professor who talked about poor people to be assisted starting from the grassroot level.
I normally try to visit these farmers in villages especially when am in holidays. When i reach there i start asking them what do they face as their challenges in agriculture. My dear friends these farmers have alot of problems i tell you.
I urge the government to try to go and talk to these people and find out what they can do so as to help them.
Through this poverty will be atleast been reduced because many Tanzanians depend on Agriculture which is the backborne of our economy.
Therefore the government should follow these arguments delivered by these knowledgeable people who participate in here.
Kind regards,
Agape Ishabakaki.
Mary Mohamed Rutenge : Monday, June 23, 2014
Hello everyone
I am not an expert in this MDG issue but my subscription to Global Policy Forum newsletters made me much aware of what is going on. MDG introduced the role of ''unregulated' business to development and that has been criticized especially now that the MDG is ending and proven to be a failure. The UN is now pushed to a resolution that would see business regulated. But this is done bu activist and chances are they will not succeed because the powerful business are also lobbying the UN. We all know that most of our countries are not supposed to be beggars BUT this is so due to world economic order that; sees massive tax evasions and other corruption conducts that resulted on massive illicit money transfers from these poor nations to developed nations (see for example a recent report by Global Financial Integrity -Tanzanian multinationals' corruption data are also available here). Its pity that only Ecuadorian government sees this and fights with these activist to force UN to set stringent regulations to international business...where are our leaders in this? So this MDG to me relates to other issues we have been discussing here; the benefits of oil and gas to the ordinary citizens.
Safari Isaac : Monday, June 23, 2014
Dear Friends in development,
I share the concern that Post MDG 2015 Development Agenda should be planned by Tanzanians for Tanzania. If that is what is meant by localization, well and good. It should not be replacing foreigners who sympathize with our plight and in there place we embrace local people who import foreign thinking for our development. A true development should start with mental change by the majority, that is the reality. They need to develop a development attitude. We are talking of the peasants. A true development agenda should make change to the peasants and there is way we can reduce poverty with so many peasants. We should not the development model of 17th century or 1950s, 1960s may work in Tanzania today. The environment has changed. Let us look inward and stop embracing imported development models as if we are in America! To start with, let our government guarantee a market for whatever small scale farmers and peasants produce. They need adequate income to cover their living expenses and to enable them to produce in the coming season. This is how we start building a market economy. Next, after realizing a successful change government should build irrigation infrastructure, transportation network, a reliable social infrastructure specifically school system and health system and end up with agro- based industries. The last one can develop with support from the private sector. Le us not believe that everything will be done by the market ( by the way, it not a perfect market) since we do not have nationalist capitalists.
Francis Kinyawela : Monday, June 23, 2014
Professor Swantz umegusa penyewe. Kwa mtazamo wangu haya yangewezekana kama tungeunganisha tawala za msimamo wa Mwalimu. Nafasi ni finyu kwani kumeingia misimamo name falsafa zinazokinzana kisa kumkomboa mwananchi wa kawaida kwa salsa ni muujiza
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Marja-Liisa Swantz : Friday, June 20, 2014
Dear Tanzanian friends,
I am a Finn and have been working in Tanzania first over 20 years 1952-56 and then in research starting 1965 till today. (See the latest in The Africa Review 2013 I believe No 4. Marja-Liisa Swantz)
I share your concerns and agree from my heart that it is your concern, no longer such as me. But having worked on the ground level throughout my research and having done Participatory Action Research I beg you not to talk reducing poverty as the goal. As you know people do not want to be called poor.
Hakuna anyaetaka aitwe yu maskini. Ninavyoona njia mnayoweza kujua ni namna gani nchi itaweza kuendelea ni kuanza katika sehemu za nchi mnakotoka na kutafiti vipi watu wataweza kuendeleza hali yao ilivyo. Ingawa miji imeendelea sana bado per cent 75 wanapata mapato yao na chakula chao hasa kutoka ardhi na bado ni hasa wanawake wanaolima. Nchi za kigeni zimesaidia kuanza kilimo kwa machine lakini siyo kwa msaada wa watu katika hali waliyo nayo. Maendeleo yataanza na watu chini.
Tanzania ina mpango mzuri wa utawala wa mitaani. Kazi ni kuangalia kuwa utawala ule utawafaidia wanavijiji wote hasa uwe utawala wa watu wenyewe jinsi ilivyo kwa sheria. Tena wale wajasiria (entrepreneurs) ambao wameanzisha biashara ya mazao vijijini hasa kwa ajili ya wanavijiji siyo tu kujipatia faida kubwa watiliwe moyo, labda kujaribu tena vyama vya ushirika vya aina ya vicoba ambavyo vinaonekana kuwasaidia hasa wanawake siku hizi.
If you want to start Post MDG 2015 let it start from below or connect the national organization from the start with the farming communities and see that the local level farming is modernized and women relieved as sole feeders of families by making use of their efforts to do it cooperatively. It seems that the vicopa au vigoba, however you write it, is a promising way of saving for a purpose on family level.
Nawatakia baraka kwa jitihada zenu.
Profesa Marja-Liisa swantz
Lingson Adam : Friday, June 20, 2014
Great thoughts great people.
Cultural perspective such as traditional knowldge base, much of which was disregarded in the expiring MDGs, need to be keenly factored in if we are to localise the post MDG Agenda. Evidence has it for example that countries where development embrasses and is informed by cultural practices such as religion and language have made greater progress in education etc.
Richard Ngilangwa : Friday, June 20, 2014
Dear all,
You have raised interesting points on the nature of capacity development at the basic level of policy implementers, ensuring adequate capacity by investing in enabling the implementers at the district/ward/Shehia/sub-village level. Another point raised was participation of the intended stakeholders in the Post-2015 development agenda, this came as a cross-cutting issue, in the consultations we held with CSOs, LGAs etc, it was echoed that the process should be owned by the intended beneficiaries to instill a sense of transparency and put in effect checks and balances towards monitoring progress of implementation of activities of the coming agenda.
Members have touched on various issues, participation, information sharing with the targeted stakeholders, capacity development, as some of the avenues in ensuring effective localization of the coming agenda, taking all that into account and being more specific, from our personal perspectives, perhaps we can deliberate on “what capacities are necessary at various levels, be it at the technical experts or the policy makers, at various levels to localize and/or implement the agenda?
Richard Ngilangwa (Moderator)
Catherine Matasha : Thursday, June 19, 2014
In discussing the way forward on “Localizing the Post MDG 2015 Development Agenda in Tanzania” it is high time we factor migration into development planning, and explore how migration influences poverty eradication efforts. World Bank statistics show that in 2013 alone, migrants remitted $ 414 billion to developing countries - through formal channels; despite the loss of migrant’s earnings through exploitation, de-skilling and costs of transferring remittances. Furthermore, human trafficking, people smuggling and irregular migration undermine human development, not to mention the inadequacy of proper policies which dissipates migrants drive and capabilities to support development. Essentially, as we look at MDG beyond 2015, there is a need to increase the involvement of Tanzanian diaspora into national development. Evidence shows that they are eager to contribute both human and non-human resources towards implementation of development plans.
In the same line, the AU Common African Position on the post-2015 development agenda recognizes that the eradication of poverty in all its forms must be the overarching priority in the post-2015 Development Agenda. Africa, and Tanzania in particular is witnessing a number of demographic trends including the youth bulge and increasing migration, and thus of the need to respond to the social and economic consequences of the continent’s changing demographic structure by implementing the right public policies, particularly in education and health services. We have to leverage population dynamics for development through ensuring the provision and implementation of adequate public policies in education and health services; create jobs, especially for youth; strengthen the linkages between migration and development; support the elderly; promote human capital development within the context of regional integration; develop innovative plans that respond to population dynamics and incorporate them into the national planning frameworks; ensure equal access to quality and affordable healthcare and social services for all; ensure equity and access to services by making them adequately and geographically available in both urban and rural areas; promote good governance; and eliminate human trafficking, especially youth, particularly girls. For this to take place targets and indicators need to reflect the role of protection of the human and labour rights of migrants, reducing the costs of migration, and ensuring portability of skills and social security.
Tanzania needs to intensify the capacity of District Council, ward, shehia and village authorities to register people migrating from specific areas, and create networks between populations on the move, both internally and internationally and communities of origin as well as between local government authorities. The “local” level is indeed the level where people live, work and build relationships in their everyday lives and where many needs and potentials are to be found. Moreover, local authorities have important competences in this field, from receiving the newcomers to fostering migrant social inclusion or development at the local level. The close proximity of local authorities to their constituencies, their direct experience in implementing policy, their potential to initiate multi-stakeholder dialogue and participatory decision-making, as well as the skills that they have often developed in spatial development strategies, make local authorities important actors in migration and development.
Elisha Sibale : Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Dear All.
To Localize the Post MDGs 2015 Development Agenda, we need not implement development activities based on fulfilling Political Leaders promises during their campaigns to be elected high position in the Government. Give a chance to technical personnel to plan and implement development aimed at a better change we need. You will agree with me that Tanzania we are poor by our leaders choices. We can not achieve the next MDGs if we continue to work on party's manifesto. Elisha Sibale Mwamkinga.
Hamed R.H.Hikmany : Wednesday, June 18, 2014
I agree about political support. However, interllectuals should know about that while at the same we cannot wait to be mobilised by foreign forces. Let us push foward the agenda, let politions inderstand and acknowledge contributions from the academic circles. We are not pushing for power but we are for the development of this nation. Keep moving!
Prof. H. Hikmany
frank john kiunsi : Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Congratulation to those who prepared this Topic as well as knowledgeable people ,What am intended to this Topic today i would like to say we are on journey to achieve" Localizing the Post MDG 2015 Development Agenda in Tanzania"performance of respectively form of Government as well as central and local government at all its shall measure achievement of Long term plan 2015 because similar to coin all sides its work together .This classical approach it focus on Top down approach as an order from high level to low level or household level and Bottom up approach this approach as participatory approach from low level as well as household ,hamlet,village ,ward/shehia ,District , Regional level to high level or National level sometime to world wide linkages.How can we implement the Post MDG's 2015 while low level of Government and its community together they are not aware on its Objectives of MDG's.I recally my research which i was done at Singida municipal council related to effects of Rural-Urban migration on urban poverty alleviation ;A case study was youth group in Mitunduruni Ward at Singida Municipal Council and one of specific Objectives of my research was Assessment of effectiveness of MDG's within the community through by measure participation of community especially youth groups on poverty alleviation and awareness/education related to MDG's 2015 on community at all especially youth group as working force of Nation is needed .See what results with its implication source from field survey of my Dissertation according to Tools which i was set to my clients and Focus Group Discussion which considered WEO and VEO's ,Ward Education Cordinator,Ward community Officer who they work at ward level
This development initiative was very importance assess so as to get importance information in order to measure how community especially youths they understand poverty alleviation initiatives but results was indicate that 100% that say they don’t know about MDG’s 2015 how it work within the community .74.5 % they say yes education it was needed and 75.5 % they said that participation within the community especially youths groups it needed .This it was implies that there is no effectiveness of MDG’s on poverty alleviation among the community it was practically in form of top -down approach .The an estimated 3.6 billion people more than 50 percent of the world‘s population now live in urban areas (UN 2012b). Developing countries have urbanized rapidly over the past two decades, with the number of people living in urban settlements rising from about 1.5 billion in 1990 (36 percent of the population) to 2.7 billion in 2011 (46.5 percent). It is likely that 1 billion people live in urban slums in developing countries (World Bank 2009). Managing the process of urbanization, such that it continues to play a positive role regarding growth, poverty reduction and other development outcomes addressed by the MDGs has become more pressing since the adoption of the Millennium Declaration in 2001(see UN 2012a). The United Republic of Tanzania also endorsed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in September 2000 as part of the internationally agreed upon development goals at the General Assembly of the United Nations. MDGs aim at calling upon developed and developing countries to work in partnership towards a world with less poverty, hunger and disease, greater survival prospects for mothers and infants, guaranteeing basic education for children, equal opportunities for women, and a healthier environment in support of the Agenda 21 principles of sustainable development. The MDGs provide a framework of time bound targets by which progress can be measured and commitment of all nations tracked. In order to assess progress over the period from 1990 to 2015, when targets were expected to be met, some indicators to be used were formulated. (URT, 2012)
1. Therefore rural areas should be prepared in order to attract the people to stay at rural area rather than migrate from rural to urban area and situation can be charged to urban –rural migration because at rural area there are many opportunities but there is no good conducive environment so as to make many people to be attracted with the rural area and financial institutions like loans in CBO, VICOBA and SACCOSS and limitation to interest rate ,rule which limiting some people to get possibilities to loan within the community and reduced conditionality to get loans .
2. Rural-urban migration is situation which is continues because it increased day to day therefore this findings and it results of this study it provide more insight to Economists, policy makers and planners, to design policies and to effects of rural –urban Migration within the urban area on urban poverty alleviation initiatives. In addition, the outcome of this result would also make the planner to review their operational policy and services as the result to the economist which was expected to improve their performance in planning of how the community it would be benefit with the planner.
3. Also the government should be give Building capacity to WEO’s, MEO’s, CDO and Ward health assistance officer they called "Ba bi afya" and ward education coordinator about development efforts and they should know the objectives of development efforts related to poverty alleviation .This can help them to provide knowledge and skills on community during the community meeting or during implementation of plan.
Rebecca Budimu : Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Dear TAKNET moderators,
It is true that there has been minimal efforts to develop the capacity of especially Ward/Shehia, village/mtaa and sub-village level people to enable them to take informed actions, be part of implementation of various development programmes, and continue to sustain interventions at their level.
Capacity development has been mistaken to mean only Training, and even that has concentrated on more on district and higher levels e.g. Training for improving sanitation and hygiene will go like this:
Training of National professionals/Resource persons: (2-3 weeks
Training of LGA staff: 1-2 weeks
Training of ward level extension workers: 0-1 week
Training of village/shehia/mtaa and sub-village VOLUNTEERS: 2-4 days.
The ones in most need of the training receive a token - too minimal to enable them to have good understanding of the content and their roles/responsibilities in the intervention.
Post training follow up is also minimal.
Trainings are not coordinated within and across sectors creating confusion at the grass-root level
Other key capacity development interventions which are mostly neglected include:
a) On the job supervision, back up and coaching after training,
b) provision of working tools and equipment e.g. simplified reference materials, transport such as bicycle/motorcycles/Bajaj etc., stationery for record keeping and reporting, etc.,
c) Development/revamping of mechanisms and systems for putting the training into practice e.g. the reports and data on progress/performance of the intervention should be discussed at quarterly meetings at the relevant level and actions taken to address gaps e.g. households in Tumaini sub-village out of the 5 sub-villages in the village are not progressing well in constructing improved toilets or ending open defaecation - Mr. .......... (sub-village Chairperson) what are the reasons? what action needed? who will follow up? Should we refer this issue to ward level?, Make sure it is reflected in the minutes/report so that ward level when they come next month will help us resolve this, etc.
When I was growing up in the 1970s and 1980s there was a lot of investment in enabling the ward and community level to effectively manage the development agenda. Example of this was the integrated "Mtu ni Afya Presidential Campaign" of 1971-1980 and "siasa ni Kilimo" Campaign. A lot of trained extension workers were deployed both at the ward level and in each village to provide technical support to farmers etc. Now that cadre has either been scrapped off or vacant posts are not filled.
The post 2015 era should pay attention and allocate the necessary human, material and financial resources to capacitate the grass root level.
Oswald Mashindano : Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Dear Safari Isaac (and other TANET members)!
You are very right. It is as if you are reading the ongoing consultation forums (Morogoro – LGAs, Dar-es-Salaam – CSOs and Zanzibar – LGAs, CSOs, Government etc). This point was mentioned and emphasized by many participants especially during the LGA consultation forum in Morogoro. It came out very clearly, that if we don’t address this major obstacle, Tanzania will not be able to make progress in terms of impacts of Implementing the MDG Development Agenda. For many years, political interests have been overriding economic and social interests! Much as I also acknowledge the pertinence of this point, the critical question behind it is – HOW DO WE ADDRESS IT without making others worse-off (just like what the Italian Professor Vilfredo Federico Damaso Pareto (the pioneer of the theory of Pareto Optimality) once said).
In other words, what will be the optimal approach towards tackling this predicament? I think this is an important point and we need to address it otherwise attaining the MDGs will be a dream! What do you think members???
Best Regards
Oswald Mashindano (Moderator)
Safari Isaac : Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Dear Hassan, Mashindano and the rest of the team,
Good morning!
You have robust ideas about our country's future and we will make contributions to further your thinking in the post MDG2015 agenda. To start, may I point out that it might be an illusion to think that we have the capacity to carry forward whatever would be the agenda. We might be thinking that we have the capacity in terms of resources, however without political will nothing moves in our country. Whatever the content of the agenda will be,let us start by discovering the extent of political support that will be available to mobilize effective implementation of that agenda. We need political commitment in this regard and without it we may not succeed.
Abdallah Hassan : Monday, June 16, 2014
Dear TAKNET Members,
We once again welcome you to a discussion titled “Localizing the Post MDG 2015 Development Agenda in Tanzania”
Following the assessment and review of the progress of MDG implementation (See MDG Implementation Progress report of 2008 and 2010), and considering the terminal year 2015, it was concluded that most MDGs may not be achieved come 2015, and therefore a need for Post MDGs Global Development Agenda.
In October 2012 the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) and Department of Economics (DoE) were commissioned to coordinate and oversee the Stakeholders’ Post MDG Development Agenda Consultation process. The main objectives of the consultations were to stimulate discussion among respective national stakeholders so as to gather inputs and views that will delineate the country’s position to be included in the post 2015 global development agenda. The process targeted mainly the Government (both the Central Government and local Government Authority (LGAs)); Civil Service Organizations (CSOs); youth, women, children, the elders, private sector, research and academic institutions.
Limited involvement and capacity building of the players and champions at lower levels (District Council, ward, Shehia and Village levels) have been among the major factors for unsatisfactory impact of MDGs in Tanzania. On the basis of these weaknesses, Tanzania (including Zanzibar) through the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) is leading a consultation process around the Post 2015 development agenda focusing mainly on how the Post MDG Development Agenda will be: Disseminated to the local levels (District Councils, Ward, Shehia and villages); Implemented; Monitored, and Reported by various governance levels in the country namely, zonal, regional, district, city, local levels etc
These consultations will therefore seek to answer the broad questions below that are critical to ensure that: The next development agenda is integrated in the various planning and budgeting documents of all levels of the country; Capacities necessary at the various levels to implement the agenda are available; and Challenges to implement the localization of Post 2015 development agenda are addressed etc
The purpose of this background is therefore to invite participants and/or TAKNET members to contribute their views and ideas which can be used to respond to the below questions.
➢ How best can the Post 2015 Development agenda be localized?
➢ What capacities necessary at the various levels to localize and implement the agenda?
➢ What are the key challenges to implement the localization of Post 2015 development agenda?
This topic is Moderated by Dr. Tausi Kida; Dr O. Mashindano, Mrs. Margareth Nzuki, Abdallah Hassan and Mr Richard Ngilangwa
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Tanzania Knowledge Network (TAKNET) Platform is supported by The Government of United Republic of Tanzania, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and coordinated by Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF).