A joint initiative by the United Nations, The Government of Tanzania and The Economic and Social Research Foundation
Topic : National Youth Development Policy (2007) Review
The need for the Youth Policy cannot be over emphasized particularly at this point in time when youth together with parents and society in general are living and operating in a world of fast changing economies, technologies, culture, value and orientations,
The need for the Youth Policy cannot be over emphasized particularly at this point in time when youth together with parents and society in general are living and operating in a world of fast changing economies, technologies, culture, value and orientations,
Tanzania is among the countries undergoing the development changes whose manifestations include dwindling economies, failure of the once established community system of youth upbringing, deprived of human dignity, guidance and counseling,
The Ministry of Information, Youth, Culture and Sports is intending to review the National Youth Development Policy of 2007 in order to overcome National, International and World challenges youth encountered. In this world of Science and Technology, youth are crucial resources now and for the future development. Youth are catalyst and our development depend on how youth issues are addressed in policy frameworks, therefore there is a need of preparing youth to be good citizens who can make proper decision, entrepreneurs, and make them engaged fully in all aspects of social, economic and political development process.
Youth policy is multi-sectoral tool which gives direction to youth, development partners and stakeholders to contribute to the youth development. Therefore major question to ask include:
How far do you know the National Youth Development Policy of 2007?
How does the policy achieved in overcoming youth challenges
What do you think are stakeholder’s roles in the implementation of the National Youth Development Policy?
What are your opinions in reviewing the National youth Development Policy of 2007?
Like all other policies in Tanzania, the 2007 National Youth Development Policy lacks a very fundamental statement. In no Tanzanian policy is there a statement which gives an 'Afrocentric' operational definition of what it means to be a human person! The conceptualization of the human person will determine how you approach issues concerning living as a human being, whether economically, politically, culturally, socially, etc. In other words, we can say that 'so you view the human person, so you plan how to develop that human person'.
Now, the 2007 National Youth Development Policy, exactly like other Tanzanian policies, because of the lack of an original and authentic policy philosophy, has been influenced by Euro-centric individualistic liberalism! Sections 3.1 and 3.2 indicate the tension, between and African perspective and a Western/Euro-Atlantic perspective, in determining who a young person is in terms of the individual's age! For that reason the role of the two traditional and cultural institutions, which are the most socially effective in the proper development of the African youth, has hardly been treated. These institutions are the school and the family.
Although something has been mentioned about culture in section 3.20, it has been done so without placing it in the family ambient. One cannot talk about youth cultural development if one does not point out the role of the family in that endeavour. As for the school, it has been alluded to in section 3.23, but with a lop-sided emphasis in the direction of reproductive health, as if the youth is only a human reproductive system! Again in section 3.24 on 'Youth, Education and Training', that lop-sidedness has been repeated: namely, treating the youths as if they were given education to become economically productive machines!
By way of conclusion: indeed our policies suffer from what I would call 'philosophical poverty'. They do not have fundamental premises about what it means to be a human person. From these fundamental premises, all policy statements could be derived logically relating to a specific socioeconomic sector. The advantage of such premises is that integration and coordination of policy implementation becomes easy, since they all arise from the same point of departure. As a matter of fact, it is interesting to note that in the 2007 National Youth Development no mention whatsoever has been made of the 2025 National Development Vision, and how it provides the direction for an appropriate youth development! This is the result of 'philosophical poverty'!
Mussa Barnabas Mallaba : Tuesday, January 12, 2016
I believe the key stakeholder of this policy are youths though its unknown to millions of youths.
I suggest apart from having a large English document written in a professional language. The policy should be reduced to simple English/swahili document or leaflets/fliers, Billboards or injected in compulsory courses in education systems, village government offices etc. They should also include real life example of the way their fellow youths have benefited.
These should explain in short and clear what youths should expect from government and what government expect from them. Managing these expectations is the major role of the cabinet, this is because the needs of youths crosscuts in all ministry.
David Wakiaga : Thursday, January 7, 2016
frank john kiunsi : Monday, January 4, 2016
NYDP (2007) I believe that youth of Tanzania they are forgeten why I say that ,because now our beautify country it identify Natural resource everyday but lack of good planers and policy makers who they suppose to show the direction of our country they delay on decision, responsiveness, accountability, transparency and ant -corruption for instance how country enter on extraction of resource without policy eg. Gas .It means that there was no future planning which was previous made to consider youths on university intake to previously related to expected resource extraction under researchers .Therefore without policy how program or project will show benefits to community and national level (by considering working group as well as youth ) at all .So we have to think about policy there are direct policy and indirect policy that so called implicit policy and explicit policy it depending each other like two side of coin therefore country should provide focus and direction through by making population projection and demand of experts in informal and formal sectors respectively.
Faraji Abdallah Izungo : Saturday, January 2, 2016
Dear Colleagues,
Though I'm not an expert on youth development issues, I concur with what other members have contributed and in addition to that I think its the time now that our education system to be also reviewed so that youth upon completion at any stage should have been equipped with necessary vocational and entrepreneurial skills for self employment.
The system we are having currently, prepare the youth for employment in the formal sectors and particularly government employment. this should changed and more emphasis should be directed to entrepreneurship and self employment. Youth should be equipped with skills as well as necessary resources.
The government and all stakeholders should implement the policy and avoid politics in youth agenda also it should be noted that youth unemployment is the next dangerous bomb that if not well treated it will have negative impact to our social, economical and political wellbeing of our nation.
Faraji Izungo.
Edmund Edeus : Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Dear followers
I am pleased to find this network where we can share our understanding toward development. It is my understand within this network we have policy implementers and decision makers to make it meaningful. After say so, I start with this sentence “Youth policy 2007 is well drafted and contained all issues relating to youth, but unfortunately its implementation”, remained in the shelved policy documents. I believe this is the most contrives problem area we need to discuss. Someone can say we a good in plan to fail despite how good the plan itself is. Leakage between government institutions on put things on ground for implementation is very poor that is why even good program or plan is wrongly implemented.
My advice to my fellow countryman, we should stop love our institution and start love our jobs eventually we will do right to our institutions. In Swahili says “kulinda au kuwinda mabox hakutatufikisha kokote”.
General comment is that, not only Youth Development Policy but also other policy too will require some changes due to new adaptation of 2030 agenda for sustainable development to incorporate new goals and targets. I hope this won’t change our plan towards vision 2025 achievements rather it will improve it.
Domitilla R. Bashemera : Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Dear Colleagues, Greetings from Dodoma.
I am pleased to see the discussion on youth policy by the Tanzania Knowledge Network (TAKEN) Platform. I agree with Aristarik Hubert Maro that youth have no formal platform where they can voice their views for action an their grievances or achievements instead they are working separately without support. For example there is one group of youth which is engaged in water Mellon cultivation, drip irrigation and green house the activities which are addressing the development challenges including youth unemployment because these are University graduate, climate change adaptation, poverty reduction and a move towards small scale industries which may may respond to our President's statement of Tanzania becoming an industrial country.
My colleagues, i urge you that while we are discussing the Tanzania's Youth policy let us add and discuss the issue of youth who have started the journey of self employment, understand what are they doing, where we can provide support. They reminded me the Haya say that a child with parent does not tit fire wood himself (Aina ishe tayekomela nkwi). Although the Youth policy has some weakness, but some youth youth are in the move of self employment from which the gained knowledge could be used as inputs during review of the existing youth policy.
Best regards.
Dr. Domitilla R. Bashemera
Institute of Rural Development Planning, Dodoma
Aristarik Hubert Maro : Monday, December 21, 2015
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings once again, I know most people are on their holiday moods, but was wondering...
If the new Youth policy can definitely define the development of the so called "Youth Fora" or Platform where youths in Tanzania can voice their views for ACTION...
Currently, i am bot sure if youths have formal platform to air their grievances or achievements from different sectors.
Thank you
John Rwezaura : Friday, December 18, 2015
The policy about youths is a critical issue. what is the problem with the current one?
After school, youth needs to work in either self employment or to be employed.
1. The policy should state clearly that the government is responsible for youths employment.
2. Employment should be defined as any means that enable person to earn income. self employment and being employed.
3. Every youth should be in a registered group.
4. A group should identify its areas of business. e.g., Farming, mining, etc.
5. Every member should be a member of SACOS as a pillar and a necessary requirement of each group and an individual.
6. Stakeholders must comply to government requirements.
Aristarik Hubert Maro : Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Dear Vivian,
Thank you for the complement and the questionnaire which i have done some justice.
Infact, it has just come to my mind that, There are challenges that Tanzanian youth face which have been caused by the chnaging curricula used at primary and secondary education "elimu ya kujitegemea" no practicals, the products we get from schools even from universities are job seekers not innovators, inventors nor job creators. The need to review the mode of delivery in our schools is pet net. Now days, we don't have" agricultural trials in schools" "Shamba darasa" for pupils/students to learn. I think if Agriculture is introduced to all schools, will have scientists who m in future will transform the way we perceive agriculture in the country.
Thank you for now
Monica Stender : Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Dear Sirs.,
I agree with the main idea presented by Mr. Maro, mainly with the definition of Youth. The decision-makers must think about that because it will define the future national policy. But I can’t think a 45 years old is still a Youth. Which are the maximum age universally accepted as Youth? Which are the Tanzania average life? This is an important definition.
And another point to think about is the industrialization level of Tanzania. Without industries, medium and small sizes companies, employment will be a problem. Financial programs to install local enterprises will allow sustainably job creation.
Best Regards
Mónica E. Stender, PhD, MBA
Av. Madrid, 102 Entº 3ª
08028 - Barcelona - España
Tel: (34) 610 792450 Fax: (34) 93 229 6934
Skype: monicastender
Linkedin: stender@stender.biz
Vivian Kazi : Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Dear Felix Niy'Ilema,
Many thanks for your valuable contribution on Youth Policy Review. Can you also provide some comments on what to do to improve access to information specifically on youth policy? In addition, your point on loan provision and grants to youth to engage in entrepreneurship is important. The only challenge here is on the best modalities of loan provision to reduce repayment failures.
Lastly, I would also request you to fill out the questionnaire that is in the taknet home page (http://tzonline.org/sera/)
Vivian Kazi.
Vivian Kazi : Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Dear Aristarik Hubert Maro,
I do agree with your recommendations below on Youth Policy Review. It is true that the Youth policy review process should be participatory in such a way that all the key stakeholders are involved and that the line ministries responsible for Youth Development should be involved and considered in the implementation of the Policy.
Lastly, I request you to fill out the questionnaire available at http://tzonline.org/sera/
Vivian Kazi
Aristarik Hubert Maro : Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Dear Moderator and members,
My comments also based on the following:
There are many Youths' challenges that, on my view I think they should be addressed;
1. Education, regardless we are told education will be free, but a better education to the Tanzanian youth is the most important which cannot be avoided, the teaching facilities, tutors or trainers and other related issues are important considerations; establishment of affordable and job focus technical colleges or institute that focus on practical skills could be the most immediate juncture to cub youths' employ-ability, and in the long run will have technical and skilled youth who will make products which are Tanzanian made.
2. Employment; it is important to have skilled youths who can work in different sectors, but if private sector in the country is not formalized and recognized, then the government color job will not be enough to employ the increasing number of youth in the country.
3. Health issues, are critical and makes the well-being of the youths in the country
4. Budget for the implementation for the policy should be clear, and funding for different youths programme should be monitored and evaluated.
5. The involvement of key stakeholders especially having different programs to the secondary schools, universities in sensitizing them on their right and know how about their policy will also add more salt on understanding the policy and its implementation as well as their engagements.
6. A clear definition on the youth is also important under the review. We should have a clear age that defines youths in the country. I would suggest the age to start from 14 - 45 years as youth.
7. Engagement of CBOs, NGOs and development partners is also crucial from the beginning -- the numbers here is important, representation of these partners from different parts in the country is important. Their roles should be well defined. If possible audit of all youths' programs that are run by these partners is also important for leveraging and setting goals for the new policy
8. M&E strategy should be clear to all implementing bodies, so that the re-defining of the goals that would not yield anticipated impact becomes easier and on time.
Finally, Its a good idea to review the policy, but it is worth-noting the issues of linkages with all stakeholders, but specifically all ministries that have youth programs to be embedded in the policy. I will appreciate to be part of the reviewing team.
Aristarik Hubert Maro : Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Thank you Moderator for the information
I am a Senior Librarian at the Law School of Tanzania, and am a policy analyst and public policy and governance consultant.
I studied the Youths' policy 2007, which is well drafted, and contained all issues relating to youth, but unfortunately, its implementation remained in the shelved policy documents.
The policy implementation was left to the ministry responsible for youth, but there was no any linkages to other ministries/ stakeholders who implement youth programs in the country. There was a less efforts engagement of youth in the implementation. It was also not clear as who should monitor and evaluate youth programs that were defined in the policy. No evidenced based tangible results that indicated how many youths were employed each year for its implementation.
There was no diverse stakeholders involvement from the policy formulation, implementation, execution, budget allocation, sources of funds for implementation, monitoring and evaluation for the same is lucking. I do believe these fallout be addressed in the revised policy
The review has come at its right time, when the country has had a new government. We do hope, the review of the said policy will consider the following:
1. The new development trends and changes in the country's 2025 Vision which in my view also needs to be reviewed
2. The ruling party manifesto which focus on economic development on Industrialization, agriculture revolution, infrastructure development, education, improved health services and proper use of land in the country
Am glad also to have heard about the review though it is sad and worth mentioned that, the 2007 policy was not participatory enough in the fact that, problem setting for the policy were not well captured, key stockholders did not participate in the earlier stage of policy formulation. Therefore, I call upon the ministry responsible to at this point in time, engage all necessary stakeholders for inputs.
I too believe the team to have used all key resources, evidenced based findings to set up clear goals and policy objectives. Clear goals and objectives will be reached if youth problems and anticipation goals are well defined. Prioritization of youths' missions should also be clear in the sense that, tangible results can be realized in the course of every year.
A good policy is the one that is action oriented, in that, if youth are involved in the policy formulation, goal setting, engaged in the execution of the policy or policy implementation, monitoring and evaluation and re-defining the goals/objectives if things do not work as earlier planned.
I would also advice in this point that, when reviewing the policy, there are many ministries to consider, linkages with other ministries on their youth programs should also be incorporated due to the fact that, this is a cutting across caliber that cannot be avoided with other ministries. Youth engagement on developmental programs is everywhere in the state.
Implementation strategy of the policy should also be clear are who will fund what ate what point, and later who evaluate and monitor what program and ate what stage, so that, if there is a need to re-adjust the plan, then it is done in time before the end of the programme. All key players should be clearly stated in the policy and given mandate and power to implement any responsibility assigned to.
Monitoring and evaluation process of the policy should also start from the word go, to enable smooth launching of the policy and be on the know on how the policy is being implemented.
Thank you
John Odongo : Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The intent of Youth Innovation Centers is to leverage the intellectual and creative capacity of youth in under-resourced rural communities in developing countries. YIC will help develop innovation centers in rural communities where young people can work with mentors on projects of their own choosing. Some projects may address community issues, such as lack of clean water or low crop yield. Other creative and innovative projects, not tied to the community, might be developed by the youth. Other projects may involve local art and artisanry, and the development of products for an international market. Networks of participating communities will be linked to share innovations, thereby maximizing the impact of any one innovation. Finally, we will stage local events to celebrate the innovative and creative accomplishments of the youth.
Eugenia Maeda : Tuesday, December 15, 2015
National Youth Development
Since the ministry of information youth, culture and sports is intending to review the National Youth Development Policy of 2007, the ministry should collect views, opinion and advice from stakeholders who are parents and teachers. Parents play a big role in children upbringing. In order to lead the youth to the right directions for the benefit of the country, the crucial thing is to change the mindsets of our children.
“Tanzanian mindset” How do Tanzanians develop the correct mind set to tackle the various inspirational facets and values of our socioeconomic developments? To majority of Tanzanians, our social and economic problems are well known and ably articulated by most Tanzanians, of all walks of life. It appears, however, we have chosen to remain aloof and spectators, without being directly or indirectly involved in offering any practical advice or solution to the problems. Instead, we are preoccupied with repeated complaints, criticism and finger pointing.
What is the short or long-term strategy do we adapt to bring about change in the mind set of youth in Tanzania, so they live by what we consider to be correct values, in areas of patriotism, social justice, gender equality, adventurism, innovation/creativeness, and be sincere and true to themselves in addressing such evil attitudes as corruption, social injustice, inefficiency and other vices, rampart and corroding the fabric of the nation. Decrying them over and over rhetorically will get us nowhere. We will continue being imitators, users and a market place for others.
Ms. Maeda
Felix NiyIlema : Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Thanks so much for this information. The question derived to us from you are very touching. I expected to see the document being attached with this information for the immediate awareness to. Realistically, the document has not been exposed to the majority of the population in Tanzania. This implies, its contents have not been taken measures to address the youth challenges in terms of socio economic undertakings. The youths policy must include therein issues pertaining entrepreneurial skills development from which they will have to learn by doing and at the end be able to employing themselves, and stop complaining for being unemployed by the Government. The document must state what the youth ought to do in shaping their lives.
As far as entrepreneurial skills development concerned, it must go hand in hand with possible provision of loans and or government grants to enable them put in place what they have learnt practically. With this view they will be able to generate some income through IGA and hence improve their day to day lives both socially and economically.
The document may also point out the working modalities between CSOs and the Government and Private sector in terms of entrepreneurial skills development centres. Beaucracy hindering the prite sector and CSOs from establishing such centres must be avoided.
Thanks again,
Felix Niy'Ilema
Abdallah Hassan : Monday, November 30, 2015
Dear TAKNET members,
The Ministry of Information, Youth, Culture and Sports is intending to review the National Youth Development Policy of 2007 in order to overcome National, International and World challenges youth encountered. In this world of Science and Technology, youth are crucial resources now and for the future development. Youth are catalyst and our development depend on how youth issues are addressed in policy frameworks, therefore there is a need of preparing youth to be good citizens who can make proper decision, entrepreneurs, and make them engaged fully in all aspects of social, economic and political development process.
Youth policy is multi-sectoral tool which gives direction to youth, development partners and stakeholders to contribute to the youth development. Therefore we invite you to contribute to this noble endeavor. Specifically you can address the following questions:
How far do you know the National Youth Development Policy of 2007?
How does the policy achieved in overcoming youth challenges
What do you think are stakeholder’s roles in the implementation of the National Youth Development Policy?
What are your opinions in reviewing the National youth Development Policy of 2007?
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Tanzania Knowledge Network (TAKNET) Platform is supported by The Government of United Republic of Tanzania, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and coordinated by Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF).